“Faith comes from hearing the message and the message is heard through the Word of Christ.” (Romans 10:17). We’d be honored for the opportunity to share God’s Word with you and we pray that God would bless your worship with us! We exist to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18) and to “go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.” (Mark 16:15)
Our worship is liturgical. This means that we have a set order of worship every week. Our worship focuses on God’s Word and Sacraments knowing that it is only through this Means of Grace that God freely gives people the forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation!
Our worship incorporates music and song. Through our singing of hymns and other songs we express our thanks to God for his wonderful gift of salvation. Lutherans have been blessed with a rich heritage of excellent hymns that remind us of the many wonderful things God has done for us!
Our worship uses traditional forms along with modern language and applications. The traditional features of our worship bring us the best from God’s Church throughout the ages, while the contemporary features remind us that God’s promises of forgiveness, guidance, and peace still apply to our daily lives. We pray that your faith would be strengthened in those promises as you worship with us!
Our worship offers Holy Communion on the first and last weekends of every month. In keeping with the teachings of Holy Scripture, our congregation practices Close Communion. This means that our celebration of Holy Communion is reserved for those who are members of St. Luke’s or other WELS or ELS churches. Those wishing to learn more are encouraged to speak with our pastor after worship. Membership classes to become a member of St. Luke’s are offered throughout the year.
Our worship encourages you to come as you are! Since the Bible presents no dress code, aside from simple modesty, we don’t make any rules either. Like most people, our members try to make their worship time at church a special time. This is often reflected in the way they dress. On any given Sunday you may see running shoes and high heels, jeans and suits, open collars and ties. When a person dresses out of love for God, your choice of clothing is acceptable to God…and to us!
Children are always welcome at St. Luke’s! If your children should become restless during worship, that’s okay…we’re glad they’re here and Jesus is pleased when they’re brought to hear His Word! Perhaps a moment or two with mom or dad is all that is necessary. Our church nursery is located in the narthex. The last rows in church are reserved for families with small children and we have a cry room with speakers so that you can still listen to the service!
St. Luke’s has a multitude of ministries for men, women, and children alike! Our church also supports an early childhood center, elementary school, and Sunday School so that we can carry out the mission God has give us to tell “the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord.” Psalm 78:4.
If you are interested in learning more about St. Luke’s, please don’t hesitate to contact our pastor. He would be delighted to serve you with God’s Word and answer any questions you might have! New member classes are offered throughout the year at convenient days and times so that you too can become part of the St. Luke’s family!