Kaylee Holzwart
Kaylee has a Master’s Degree in Counseling, is a Licensed School Counselor, and has worked with families since 2007. She worked as a school counselor for about 10 years before deciding to spend more time raising her children. Kaylee continued to work with families part-time providing in-home psychoeducation services to families dealing with mental health and addiction issues through contract work with local counties and private families. She is trained in trauma-informed TBRI (Trust-Based Relational Intervention) and is a certified CBT Integrative Wellness Coach. She is also a Certified Brain Health Professional and continues to be in awe of the amazing ways God designed us! Her greatest experiences, though, have been in the last years as God has led her to an even deeper understanding of his love, grace, and Truth in His Word.
She is a wife and mom of 3 children, ages 15, 14, and 11. Her family is members at Trinity Lutheran Kiel. In her free time, she loves doing most anything with her family, hiking, and exploring new places. She spends a good amount of time spectating soccer and basketball, driving her kids to activities, or in the kitchen making sure her family is fed!
Kaylee relishes the opportunity to share the love, truth, and hope of Jesus as she guides and equips students and parents in supporting wellness of mind, body, and soul. She believes it is a privilege to work with people during times of suffering as these are often times we grow the most in our relationship and understanding of God.